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API Reference

Classification methods:

Functions for scatterer selection related operations.

network_stm_selection(stm, min_dist, include_index=None, sortby_var='pnt_nmad', crs='radar', x_var='azimuth', y_var='range', azimuth_spacing=None, range_spacing=None)

Select a Space-Time Matrix (STM) from a candidate STM for network processing.

The selection is based on two criteria: 1. A minimum distance between selected points. 2. A sorting metric to select better points.

The candidate STM will be sorted by the sorting metric. The selection will be performed iteratively, starting from the best point. In each iteration, the best point will be selected, and points within the minimum distance will be removed. The process will continue until no points are left in the candidate STM.


Name Type Description Default
stm Dataset

candidate Space-Time Matrix (STM).

min_dist int | float

Minimum distance between selected points.

include_index list[int]

Index of points in the candidate STM that must be included in the selection, by default None

sortby_var str

Sorting metric for selecting points, by default "pnt_nmad"

crs int | str

EPSG code of Coordinate Reference System of x_var and y_var, by default "radar". If crs is "radar", the distance will be calculated based on radar coordinates, and azimuth_spacing and range_spacing must be provided.

x_var str

Data variable name for x coordinate, by default "azimuth"

y_var str

Data variable name for y coordinate, by default "range"

azimuth_spacing float

Azimuth spacing, by default None. Required if crs is "radar".

range_spacing float

Range spacing, by default None. Required if crs is "radar".



Type Description

Selected network Space-Time Matrix (STM).


Type Description

Raised when azimuth_spacing or range_spacing is not provided for radar coordinates.


Raised when an unsupported Coordinate Reference System is provided.

Source code in depsi/
def network_stm_selection(
    stm: xr.Dataset,
    min_dist: int | float,
    include_index: list[int] = None,
    sortby_var: str = "pnt_nmad",
    crs: int | str = "radar",
    x_var: str = "azimuth",
    y_var: str = "range",
    azimuth_spacing: float = None,
    range_spacing: float = None,
    """Select a Space-Time Matrix (STM) from a candidate STM for network processing.

    The selection is based on two criteria:
    1. A minimum distance between selected points.
    2. A sorting metric to select better points.

    The candidate STM will be sorted by the sorting metric.
    The selection will be performed iteratively, starting from the best point.
    In each iteration, the best point will be selected, and points within the minimum distance will be removed.
    The process will continue until no points are left in the candidate STM.

    stm : xr.Dataset
        candidate Space-Time Matrix (STM).
    min_dist : int | float
        Minimum distance between selected points.
    include_index : list[int], optional
        Index of points in the candidate STM that must be included in the selection, by default None
    sortby_var : str, optional
        Sorting metric for selecting points, by default "pnt_nmad"
    crs : int | str, optional
        EPSG code of Coordinate Reference System of `x_var` and `y_var`, by default "radar".
        If crs is "radar", the distance will be calculated based on radar coordinates, and
        azimuth_spacing and range_spacing must be provided.
    x_var : str, optional
        Data variable name for x coordinate, by default "azimuth"
    y_var : str, optional
        Data variable name for y coordinate, by default "range"
    azimuth_spacing : float, optional
        Azimuth spacing, by default None. Required if crs is "radar".
    range_spacing : float, optional
        Range spacing, by default None. Required if crs is "radar".

        Selected network Space-Time Matrix (STM).

        Raised when `azimuth_spacing` or `range_spacing` is not provided for radar coordinates.
        Raised when an unsupported Coordinate Reference System is provided.
    match crs:
        case "radar":
            if (azimuth_spacing is None) or (range_spacing is None):
                raise ValueError("Azimuth and range spacing must be provided for radar coordinates.")
        case _:
            raise NotImplementedError

    # Get coordinates and sorting metric, load them into memory
    stm_select = None
    stm_remain = stm[[x_var, y_var, sortby_var]].compute()

    # Select the include_index if provided
    if include_index is not None:
        stm_select = stm_remain.isel(space=include_index)

        # Remove points within min_dist of the included points
        coords_include = np.column_stack(
            [stm_select["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_select["range"].values * range_spacing]
        coords_remain = np.column_stack(
            [stm_remain["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_remain["range"].values * range_spacing]
        idx_drop = _idx_within_distance(coords_include, coords_remain, min_dist)
        if idx_drop is not None:
            stm_remain = stm_remain.where(~(stm_remain["space"].isin(idx_drop)), drop=True)

    # Reorder the remaining points by the sorting metric
    stm_remain = stm_remain.sortby(sortby_var)

    # Build a list of the index of selected points
    if stm_select is None:
        space_idx_sel = []
        space_idx_sel = stm_select["space"].values.tolist()

    while stm_remain.sizes["space"] > 0:
        # Select one point with best sorting metric
        stm_now = stm_remain.isel(space=0)

        # Append the selected point index

        # Remove the selected point from the remaining points
        stm_remain = stm_remain.isel(space=slice(1, None)).copy()

        # Remove points in stm_remain within min_dist of stm_now
        coords_remain = np.column_stack(
            [stm_remain["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_remain["range"].values * range_spacing]
        coords_stmnow = np.column_stack(
            [stm_now["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_now["range"].values * range_spacing]
        idx_drop = _idx_within_distance(coords_stmnow, coords_remain, min_dist)
        if idx_drop is not None:
            stm_drop = stm_remain.isel(space=idx_drop)
            stm_remain = stm_remain.where(~(stm_remain["space"].isin(stm_drop["space"])), drop=True)

    # Get the selected points by space index from the original stm
    stm_out = stm.sel(space=space_idx_sel)

    return stm_out

ps_selection(slcs, threshold, method='nad', output_chunks=10000, mem_persist=False)

Select Persistent Scatterers (PS) from an SLC stack, and return a Space-Time Matrix.

The selection method is defined by method and threshold. The selected pixels will be reshaped to (space, time), where space is the number of selected pixels. The unselected pixels will be discarded. The original azimuth and range coordinates will be persisted. The computed NAD or NMAD will be added to the output dataset as a new variable. It can be persisted in memory if mem_persist is True.


Name Type Description Default
slcs Dataset

Input SLC stack. It should have the following dimensions: ("azimuth", "range", "time"). There should be a amplitude variable in the dataset.

threshold float

Threshold value for selection.

method Literal['nad', 'nmad']

Method of selection, by default "nad". - "nad": Normalized Amplitude Dispersion - "nmad": Normalized median absolute deviation

output_chunks int

Chunk size in the space dimension, by default 10000

mem_persist bool

If true persist the NAD or NMAD in memory, by default False.



Type Description

Selected STM, in form of an xarray.Dataset with two dimensions: (space, time).


Type Description

Raised when an unsupported method is provided.

Source code in depsi/
def ps_selection(
    slcs: xr.Dataset,
    threshold: float,
    method: Literal["nad", "nmad"] = "nad",
    output_chunks: int = 10000,
    mem_persist: bool = False,
) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Select Persistent Scatterers (PS) from an SLC stack, and return a Space-Time Matrix.

    The selection method is defined by `method` and `threshold`.
    The selected pixels will be reshaped to (space, time), where `space` is the number of selected pixels.
    The unselected pixels will be discarded.
    The original `azimuth` and `range` coordinates will be persisted.
    The computed NAD or NMAD will be added to the output dataset as a new variable. It can be persisted in
    memory if `mem_persist` is True.

    slcs : xr.Dataset
        Input SLC stack. It should have the following dimensions: ("azimuth", "range", "time").
        There should be a `amplitude` variable in the dataset.
    threshold : float
        Threshold value for selection.
    method : Literal["nad", "nmad"], optional
        Method of selection, by default "nad".
        - "nad": Normalized Amplitude Dispersion
        - "nmad": Normalized median absolute deviation
    output_chunks : int, optional
        Chunk size in the `space` dimension, by default 10000
    mem_persist : bool, optional
        If true persist the NAD or NMAD in memory, by default False.

        Selected STM, in form of an xarray.Dataset with two dimensions: (space, time).

        Raised when an unsupported method is provided.
    # Make sure there is no temporal chunk
    # since later a block function assumes all temporal data is available in a spatial block
    slcs = slcs.chunk({"time": -1})

    # Calculate selection mask
    match method:
        case "nad":
            nad = xr.map_blocks(
                _nad_block, slcs["amplitude"], template=slcs["amplitude"].isel(time=0).drop_vars("time")
            nad = nad.compute() if mem_persist else nad
            slcs = slcs.assign(pnt_nad=nad)
            mask = nad < threshold
        case "nmad":
            nmad = xr.map_blocks(
                _nmad_block, slcs["amplitude"], template=slcs["amplitude"].isel(time=0).drop_vars("time")
            nmad = nmad.compute() if mem_persist else nmad
            slcs = slcs.assign(pnt_nmad=nmad)
            mask = nmad < threshold
        case _:
            raise NotImplementedError

    # Get the 1D index on space dimension
    mask_1d = mask.stack(space=("azimuth", "range")).drop_vars(["azimuth", "range", "space"])  # Drop multi-index coords
    index = mask_1d["space"].where(mask_1d.compute(), other=0, drop=True)  # Evaluate the 1D mask to index

    # Reshape from Stack ("azimuth", "range", "time") to Space-Time Matrix  ("space", "time")
    stacked = slcs.stack(space=("azimuth", "range"))

    # Drop multi-index coords for space coordinates
    # This will also azimuth and range coordinates, as they are part of the multi-index coordinates
    stm = stacked.drop_vars(["space", "azimuth", "range"])

    # Assign a continuous index the space dimension
    # Assign azimuth and range back as coordinates
    stm = stm.assign_coords(
            "space": (["space"], range(stm.sizes["space"])),
            "azimuth": (["space"], stacked["azimuth"].values),
            "range": (["space"], stacked["range"].values),
    )  # keep azimuth and range as coordinates

    # Apply selection
    stm_masked = stm.sel(space=index)

    # Re-order the dimensions to community preferred ("space", "time") order
    stm_masked = stm_masked.transpose("space", "time")

    # Rechunk is needed because after apply maksing, the chunksize will be inconsistant
    stm_masked = stm_masked.chunk(
            "space": output_chunks,
            "time": -1,

    # Reset space coordinates
    stm_masked = stm_masked.assign_coords(
            "space": (["space"], range(stm_masked.sizes["space"])),

    # Compute NAD or NMAD if mem_persist is True
    # This only evaluate a very short task graph, since NAD or NMAD is already in memory
    if mem_persist:
        match method:
            case "nad":
                stm_masked["pnt_nad"] = stm_masked["pnt_nad"].compute()
            case "nmad":
                stm_masked["pnt_nmad"] = stm_masked["pnt_nmad"].compute()

    return stm_masked

IO methods:

io methods.

read_metadata(resfile, mode='raw', **kwargs)

Read metadata from a DORIS v5 resfile.

Modified from the original functions in:

Source code in depsi/
def read_metadata(resfile, mode="raw", **kwargs):
    """Read metadata from a DORIS v5 resfile.

    Modified from the original functions in:
    # check crop_flag
    if mode == "coreg" and "crop" in kwargs:
        crop_flag = kwargs["crop"]
        crop_flag = 0

    # Open the file
    with open(resfile) as file:
        content =

    # +++   - Satellite ID
    pattern = r"Product type specifier:\s+(.*?(?=\n))"
    match =, content)
    sat_id =

    # ++++1 - Geometry [DESCENDING or ASCENDING]
    pattern = r"PASS:\s+(.*?(?=\n))"
    match =, content)
    geometry =

    # ++++ 2 - Acquisition Date [dictionary with __datetime__ and str, in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss']
    pattern = r"First_pixel_azimuth_time \(UTC\):\s+(\d+-\w+-\d+\s+)(\d+:\d+:\d+)"
    match =, content)

    # --- extract the datetime string
    datetime_toconvert = +
    # Parse the original datetime string
    acq_date = datetime.strptime(datetime_toconvert, "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # ++++ 3 - azimuth0time

    # convert from time format to seconds of the day
    pattern = r"(\d+):(\d+):(\d+.\d+)"
    match =, content)
    azimuth0time = int( * 3600 + int( * 60 + float(

    # ++++ 4 - range0time
    pattern = r"Range_time_to_first_pixel \(2way\) \(ms\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    range0time = float( * 1e-3 / 2  # devide by 2 to balance the two way travel

    # ++++ 5 - prf
    pattern = r"Pulse_Repetition_Frequency \(computed, Hz\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    prf = float(

    # ++++ 6 - rsr
    pattern = r"Range_sampling_rate \(computed, MHz\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    rsr = float( * 1e6 * 2

    # ++++ 7 - wavelength
    pattern = r"Radar_wavelength \(m\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    wavelength = float(

    # ++++ 8 - orbit_fit

    # Define the regular expression pattern to match the table rows
    pattern = r"(\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+([-+]?\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+([-+]?\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)"

    # extract the table rows
    table_rows = re.findall(pattern, content)

    orbit = np.ones((len(table_rows), 4))

    for i in range(len(table_rows)):
        for j in range(4):
            orbit[i][j] = float(table_rows[i][j])

    # Generate the orbfit dictionary
    orbfit = _orbit_fit(orbit, verbose=0)

    # ++++ 9 - range_spacing
    pattern = r"rangePixelSpacing:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    range_spacing = float(

    # ++++ 10 - azimuth_spacing
    pattern = r"azimuthPixelSpacing:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    azimuth_spacing = float(

    # ++++ 11 - center_lon
    pattern = r"Scene_centre_longitude:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    center_lon = float(

    # ++++ 12 - center_lat
    pattern = r"Scene_centre_latitude:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    center_lat = float(

    # ++++ 13 - center_h
    pattern = r"Scene_center_heading:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    center_h = float(

    # ++++ 14 - n_azimuth
    pattern = r"Number_of_lines_original:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    n_azimuth = int(

    # ++++ 15 - n_range
    pattern = r"Number_of_pixels_original:" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    n_range = int(

    # ++++ 16 - swath
    pattern = r"SWATH:\s+IW(\d+)"
    match =, content)
    swath = int(

    # ++++ 17 - center_azimuth
    center_azimuth = np.round(n_azimuth / 2)

    # ++++ 18 - beta0, rank, chirprate
    beta0 = 237
    if swath == 1:
        rank = 9
        chirp_rate = 1078230321255.894
    elif swath == 2:
        rank = 8
        chirp_rate = 779281727512.0481
    elif swath == 3:
        rank = 10
        chirp_rate = 801450949070.5804

    # resolutions [from s1 annual performance reports]
    az_resolutions = np.array([21.76, 21.89, 21.71])
    sr_resolutions = np.array([2.63, 3.09, 3.51])  # slant range resolution
    azimuth_resolution = az_resolutions[swath - 1]

    # ++++ 20 - range_resolution
    pattern = r"Total_range_band_width \(MHz\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    range_resolution = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / (2 * float( * 1e6)

    # ++++ 21 - nBursts
    burst_n = None

    # ++++ 23 - steering_rate
    pattern = r"Azimuth_steering_rate \(deg/s\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    steering_rate = float( * np.pi / 180

    # ++++ 24 and 25 - azFmRateArray and dcPolyArray
    # Are skipped because the io.datetimeToMJD function is missing

    # ++++ 26 - pri
    pattern = r"Pulse_Repetition_Frequency_raw_data\(TOPSAR\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
    match =, content)
    pri = 1 / float(

    # ++++ 27 - rank
    # See Beta0 section

    # ++++ 28 - chirp_rate

    # ++++ 29 - n_azimuth
    if crop_flag:
        crop_file = "/".join(str(resfile).split("/")[0:-2]) + "/nlines_crp.txt"
        with open(crop_file) as file:
            content = file.readlines()
            n_lines, first_line, last_line = (

        # Extract first
        pattern = r"First_line \(w.r.t. original_image\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
        match =, content)
        first_line = int(
        # Extract last
        pattern = r"Last_line \(w.r.t. original_image\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
        match =, content)
        last_line = int(
        # difference
        n_lines = last_line - first_line + 1

    # ++++ 30 - n_range
    if crop_flag:
        crop_file = "/".join(str(resfile).split("/")[0:-2]) + "/npixels_crp.txt"
        with open(crop_file) as file:
            content = file.readlines()
            n_pixels, first_pixel, last_pixel = (
        # Extract first
        pattern = r"First_pixel \(w.r.t. original_image\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
        match =, content)
        first_pixel = int(
        # Extract last
        pattern = r"Last_pixel \(w.r.t. original_image\):" + SC_N_PATTERN
        match =, content)
        last_pixel = int(
        # difference
        n_pixels = last_pixel - first_pixel + 1

    # ----------------------------------------

    # Fill the dictionary
    datewise_metadata = {
        "sat_id": sat_id,
        "orbit": geometry,
        "acq_date": acq_date,
        "azimuth0time": azimuth0time,
        "range0time": range0time,
        "prf": prf,
        "rsr": rsr,
        "wavelength": wavelength,
        "orbit_fit": orbfit,
        "range_spacing": range_spacing,
        "azimuth_spacing": azimuth_spacing,
        "center_lon": center_lon,
        "center_lat": center_lat,
        "center_h": center_h,
        "n_azimuth": n_azimuth,
        "n_range": n_range,
        "1stAzimuth": first_line,
        "1stRange": first_pixel,
        "swath": swath,
        "center_azimuth": center_azimuth,
        "beta0": beta0,
        "azimuth_resolution": azimuth_resolution,
        "range_resolution": range_resolution,
        "slant_range_resolution": sr_resolutions,
        "nBursts": 1,
        "burstInfo": burst_n,
        "steering_rate": steering_rate,
        "pri": pri,
        "rank": rank,
        "chirp_rate": chirp_rate,
        "n_lines": n_lines,
        "n_pixels": n_pixels,
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

    return datewise_metadata

slc methods:

depsi.slc Functions for SLC related operations.

ifg_to_slc(mother_slc, ifgs)

Convert a stack of interferograms to SLCs.

The conversion will be implemented by conjugated multiplication of the interferograms complex values with the complex values of the mother SLC, and then dividing by the squared magnitude of the mother complex.


Name Type Description Default
mother_slc Dataset

Mother SLC. This Dataset should have three dimensions ('azimuth', 'range', 'time'). The 'azimuth' and 'range' dimensions should be the same as ifgs. The 'time' dimension should have size 1.

ifgs Dataset

Interferograms. This Dataset should have three dimensions ('azimuth', 'range', 'time'). The 'azimuth' and 'range' dimensions should be the same as mother_slc.



Type Description

SLCS converted from the interferograms.

Source code in depsi/
def ifg_to_slc(mother_slc, ifgs):
    """Convert a stack of interferograms to SLCs.

    The conversion will be implemented by conjugated multiplication of the interferograms complex values
    with the complex values of the mother SLC, and then dividing by the squared magnitude of the mother complex.

    mother_slc : Xarray.Dataset
        Mother SLC. This Dataset should have three dimensions ('azimuth', 'range', 'time').
        The 'azimuth' and 'range' dimensions should be the same as `ifgs`.
        The 'time' dimension should have size 1.
    ifgs : Xarray.Dataset
        Interferograms. This Dataset should have three dimensions ('azimuth', 'range', 'time').
        The 'azimuth' and 'range' dimensions should be the same as `mother_slc`.

        SLCS converted from the interferograms.
    slc_out = ifgs.copy()
    meta_arr = np.array((), dtype=np.complex64)
    slc_complex = da.apply_gufunc(
        _slc_complex_recontruct, "(),()->()", mother_slc["complex"], slc_out["complex"], meta=meta_arr
    slc_out = slc_out.assign({"complex": (("azimuth", "range", "time"), slc_complex)})
    return slc_out

Utility Functions:
