SLC related methods
Converting coregistered interferogram stack to SLC stack
After reading the coregistered interferogram stack and the mother SLC with sarxarray
, the SLC stack can be reconstructed using the ifg_to_slc
method. The method takes the mother SLC and the coregistered interferogram stack as input and returns the reconstructed SLC stack.
import sarxarray
from depsi.slc import ifg_to_slc
from pathlib import Path
f_mother_slc = 'path/to/mother_slc.raw' # Path to the mother SLC binary file
f_ifgs = list(sorted(Path('dir_ifgs').rglob("2*/ifnteferogram.raw"))) # List of paths of coregistered interferograms
shape = (10768, 40588) # Shape of the stack, (nrows, ncols)
reading_chunks = (2000, 2000) # Reading chunks for lazy loading, (nrows, ncols)
# Lazy loading mother SLC and ifg stack
mother = sarxarray.from_binary([f_mother_slc], shape, dtype=np.complex64, chunks=reading_chunks)
ifgs = sarxarray.from_binary(f_ifgs, shape, dtype=np.complex64, chunks=reading_chunks)
# Generate reconstructed SLCs
slc_recon = ifg_to_slc(mother, ifgs)