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SLC related methods

Converting coregistered interferogram stack to SLC stack

After reading the coregistered interferogram stack and the mother SLC with sarxarray, the SLC stack can be reconstructed using the ifg_to_slc method. The method takes the mother SLC and the coregistered interferogram stack as input and returns the reconstructed SLC stack.

import sarxarray
from depsi.slc import ifg_to_slc
from pathlib import Path

f_mother_slc = 'path/to/mother_slc.raw' # Path to the mother SLC binary file
f_ifgs = list(sorted(Path('dir_ifgs').rglob("2*/ifnteferogram.raw")))  # List of paths of coregistered interferograms
shape = (10768, 40588) # Shape of the stack, (nrows, ncols)
reading_chunks = (2000, 2000)  # Reading chunks for lazy loading, (nrows, ncols)

# Lazy loading mother SLC and ifg stack
mother = sarxarray.from_binary([f_mother_slc], shape, dtype=np.complex64, chunks=reading_chunks)
ifgs = sarxarray.from_binary(f_ifgs, shape, dtype=np.complex64, chunks=reading_chunks)

# Generate reconstructed SLCs
slc_recon = ifg_to_slc(mother, ifgs)