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This document is a step by step guide to setting up and using CAROLINE Download to download Sentinel-1 data.

Install CAROLINE Download

Install CAROLINE download using pip:

pip install git+

Setup Authentication

Register an account with NASA Earthdata

Downloading data from ASF requires an account with the NASA Earthdata Login system. You can register an account with their user registration form.

Create a netrc file

In your home directory, create a .netrc file with the following content

login <yourusername>
password <yourpassword>


  • Replace <yourusername> with to your username
  • Replace <yourpassword> with to your password

Make sure the .netrc is only readable for you:

chmod 700 .netrc


By not makeing sure your .netrc is readable just for you you are at risk of other people abusing your login credentials. Make sure to follow above instructions.

Configure CAROLINE Download

Create a YAML file named caroline-download.yml with the following content:

# caroline-download.yml

  base_directory: "/path/to/base_directory"

Create a ROI file

In a moment we'll be creating our query for downloading the data. The query is based on a region of interest. So first we store our ROI in a file in the Well-Known Text (WKT) format.

Create a file containing a valid WKT string e.g. a polygon representing the Bermuda Triangle.

Store the contents below in a file named bermuda.wkt:

POLYGON ((-64.8 32.3, -65.5 18.3, -80.3 25.2, -64.8 32.3))

Create a query configuration

Now we are ready to create our query configuration. Create a YAML file with the name bermuda.yml with the following content:

# bermuda.yml

  dataset: "SENTINEL-1"
  start: "one month ago"
  end: "now"
  roi_wkt_file: "bermuda.wkt"
  relative_orbits: [77]
  product_type: "SLC"

Start downloading

Finally time to start downloading some data!

caroline-download --config caroline-download.yml --geo-search bermuda.yml