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Operations on STM

STMTools supports various operations on an STM.

Enrich an STM

Contextual data can be added to an STM by enrichment. At present, STMTools supports enriching an STM by static polygons.

For example, if soil type data (soil_map.gpkg) is available together with an STM, one can first read soil_map.gpkg using the GeoPandas library as a GeoDataFrame, then add the soil type and corresponding type ID to the STM, using the enrich_from_polygon function.

import geopandas as gpd
polygon = gpd.read_file('soil_map.gpkg')
fields_to_query = ['soil_type', 'type_id']
stmat_enriched = stmat.stm.enrich_from_polygon(polygon, fields_to_query)
Two attributes from soil_map.gpkg: soil_type and type_id, will be added as data variables to the STM.

In case of a large file soil_map.gpkg, one can directly pass the file path to enrich_from_polygon to trigger the chunked enrichment:

path_polygon = Path('soil_map.gpkg')
fields_to_query = ['soil_type', 'type_id']
stmat_enriched = stmat.stm.enrich_from_polygon(path_polygon, fields_to_query)

Subset an STM

A subset of an STM can be obtained based on 1) thresholding on an attribute, or 2) intersection with a background polygon.

Subset by an attribute

For example, select entries with pnt_enscoh higher than 0.7:

stmat_subset = stmat.stm.subset(method='threshold', var='pnt_enscoh', threshold='>0.7')

This is equivalent to Xarray filtering:

mask = stmat['pnt_enscoh'] > 0.7
mask = mask.compute()
stmat_subset = stmat.where(mask, drop=True)

Subset by a polygon

Select all entries inside the polygons in example_polygon.shp:

import geopandas as gpd
polygon = gpd.read_file('example_polygon.shp')
stm_demo.stm.subset(method='polygon', polygon=polygon)

Subset can also operate on the polygon file directly if the file is too big to load in the memory:

stmat_subset = stm_demo.stm.subset(method='polygon', polygon='example_polygon.gpkg')

Regulate the dimensions of an STM

Use regulate_dims to add a missing space or time dimension.

# An STM witout time dimension
nspace = 10
stm_only_space = xr.Dataset(data_vars=dict(data=(['space'], np.arange(nspace))))

Dimensions:  (space: 10)
Dimensions without coordinates: space
Data variables:
    data     (space) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dimensions:  (time: 1, space: 10)
Dimensions without coordinates: time, space
Data variables:
    data     (space, time) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Assign metadata

Use register_metadata to assign metadata to an STM by a Python dictionary.

metadata_normal = dict(techniqueId='ID0001', datasetId='ID_datasetID', crs=4326)
stmat_with_metadata = stmat.stm.register_metadata(metadata_normal)